Wednesday, April 11, 2012

So in love...

I can't believe my boy is already 8 months. Times flies so quick... Still enjoying my everyday moments with this love. Lately he's been grabbing stuff and literally throws it onto the floor. We constantly have pick it up for him. He's not really into crawling... He'd rather stand, hold on to you and walk away... Enjoying his stroll around the house. Most of the time he grabs on to the edge of the coffee table and stands. I think he's amazed at what he can do! If you're next to him he'll turn around and turn right back towards the table. I think he'll start walking soon... Oh boy! He also loves to feel different kind of textures with his hands... Pretty neat to see him discover new things! He's discovering his hand motions... Like closes/ opens his hands when we sing "Close open... Close open...". He loves it when I sing "Itsy Bitsy Spider"... He tries to mimic the finger movement of the spider crawling. Kai loves playing peek-a-boo with you too! He's learning how to clap his hands and loves to hear you sing "Clap your hands... Clap your hands!" It's wonderful to see him respond to his name "Kaimana"... His favorite time is when he's in his crib where he watches his Baby Einstein on the iPad. I guess you can say that's his "Me time." The things I observe as I watch this boy grow AMAZES me and gives me JOY to see him successfully achieve each stage of development. I shall watch my son grow from my baby to a little boy to a young man. But at the same time I'll never... EVER let go of precious moment I have of him now. I will continue to document every moment of it.... Thru my eyes and thru my lens.