Thursday, February 19, 2009

Wow...I am amazed to what I can do with my new printer! This is another hybrid/digi layout I just did. I added ribbons, circle ledger, a lot of "bling" and a pink butterfly to add texture to this digital layout! Mann... I'm having an awesome time! Enjoy...

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

Here's my first ever Hybrid digital layout... I'm so proud of myself. It really didn't take that long to do. I had a 6X6 digital print, courtesy from a make n take at CHA Prima booth. Added flowers and gems to it. Placed my 2 DDs pictureson the 6X6. Then I created this 8.5X11 digital layout from Rhonna Farrers' various collections (BTW... LOVE her!). I then placed the 6X6 on top of the 8.5X11 and here's the finished work! Hope you like it! Enjoy!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

Yesterday Kamalei and I baked heart cookies for an early Valentine's celebration... boohoo I work the weekend of Valentine's so we're starting early. I decorated the cookies; Kamalei also decorated as well as eating it afterwards. She loved that fact that she helped make the cookies. Later on Alexis came home and of course immediately ate her cookie.
So... I did it! I've been inspired to take my DD's picture; Photoshop it and here you go... Thanks to Joscie I decided to do my own version. After photoshopping this picture I printed it out 2x3 prints, cut it and glued it onto the valentine heart box. I'm going to give these out at Kamalei's Valentine's party this Friday...
Okay.... This is my first time ever for me blogging. I guess the inspiration started with my BFF. Now.. I'm going to do it.. Jump in the band wagon and blog away! This is my first actual picture download. The others were done by my DH but this one... all done by myself. 

This picture was taken earlier today... My DD- Kamalei wanted to eat her cookie and I told her she could after I'd take a picture of her with the cookie. Sooo... this is what I got from her. She smiled sooo big that you can actually see the wrinkles between her eyes. I guess it was the anticipation of wanting to eat her cookie.

Sunday, February 1, 2009